> The Hike feat. TagYerit on SongWitch / SongYerit

"The Hike" by R&F Newman (BMI)


info about the song "The Hike":
  - The lyrics,backstory and how to purchase = just scroll on down!

Listen and enjoy! And if this song fits your project, let us know.

Do you pretend on your hike in the woods that you're the only one of your species . . .

The Hike ©1997 Rich & Flo Newman (BMI)

Do you pretend on your hike in the woods that you're the only one of your species
Swishing through those giant fern leaves - you're sure that you're in a forest primeval
When the crow breaks the still - could it be pterodactyl swooping down

Here the forest's opening up to a meadow of swaying long grasses
Do you bow with them in respect as the fairy queen's entourage is passing by
Wait for when the fanfare starts to fade - to catch a glimpse of the fabled fairy steed.

Pounding aches - soles will burn
This path's seducing me
Twisting trails tempt me around each turn
Like that bear, I gotta see what I can see

You're so struck by the beauty of the swampland and the low lying marshes
Decaying trees carpeted in a lush green - but yeah, it kinda stinks- you'd better cruise
There's a scaly hand clasping onto bare skin - will it suck you down into the inky black ooze?

Now, see where glacier scraped on through rock monoliths just dumped at weird angles
From a rift in rock-emerges gnarled troll - he's pretty freaked at the sight of giant you
They've probably mined these hills a million years - with your next step will you fall through secret shaft?
Pounding aches ...

Do you believe on your hike in the woods that you're the only one of your species
If I step between these towering twin trees, will I find myself in a dimension unknown?
There's an alien starts to speak in surprise,
"Woulda saved you a sandwich, if I'd known you were coming home."
"How'd you get so covered in dust and mud?"
"The guy next door's got a brand new truck."

Genre: rock, pop, easy listening, kids/family, alternative, ac (adult contemporary)

Mood: upbeat, moderately slow

This is a song about imaginative play, when imagination takes you away into different worlds and different ways of seeing in this world.

Title: The Hike
Author(s):Richard & FloraLee Newman
Year:© 1997

About the Recording
Title: The Hike
Author(s):Richard & FloraLee Newman
Year:© 1997
Pro: BMI
Published: Tubeman CD
Artist: TagYerit with Flo (guitars, vocals) Rich (bass) & Fred Hazelton (drums)
Producer: Ed Vadas
Recorded: Greg Steele (engineer) at Derek Studios - Dalton, MA
Mastered: Northeastern Digital Southborough, MA
Review quotes: n/a

Ways to purchase: Here are a few places you can buy the tracks digitally

To contact us please type in the email address shown in this image. My website moved and I haven't figured out how to get the forms working yet.

Keywords: personal fantasy scenarios imaginative play roll playing larping