"Accelerate" by R&F Newman (BMI)


info about the song "Accelerate":
  - The lyrics,backstory and how to purchase = just scroll on down!

Listen and enjoy! And if this song fits your project, let us know. Available as instrumental also.


Accelerate ©2009 Rich & Flo Newman (BMI)

Used to call your name
Out in front-a your house
After after- school snack
We'd just sort of hang out

PLAN - Now I pencil you in
DAMN - Life's all scheduling
CRAM - in as much as I can
PLAY - is what we - crave

Monster cereal's our choice
It's those prizes that can woo us
Memorize the grossest jokes
To impress 'em on the school bus


When did the days play this dirty trick and make
Us Accelerate .... Accelerate
Slam on the brakes Slam on the brakes
Are we climbing giant pyramids of birthday cakes

With a flick and sideways fling
We'd skip skim stones for ages
Counter balancing the time
We spent in school-shaped cages

PLAN ...

The big deal of the day - Hey
is when's that ice cream truck due
Major trauma to decide
Which tasty treat should you choose

When did the days ...
While workin' on this song
I came upon something my father wrote
In 1941 - as a photo album preface quote
He too was contemplating dissipating days
Desperate for ways to
Slam on the brakes Slam on the brakes

Genre : Progressive, Rock, Alternative

Mood : 108 bpm anxious pensive

About the Song:
Facing aging issues - staring down the rapid passage of time and fast-shrinking days ... from the innocence of childhood to the frantic pace of aging ... The song's message is reminiscent of "The Circle Game (Joni Mitchell) but with a humorous approach and an insistent driving guitar. Bemoans the  necessity of scheduling every adult moment as opposed to the 'pure play' mindset of kids.

Title: Accelerate
Author(s):Richard & FloraLee Newman
Year: © 2009

About the Recording :
Title: Accelerate
Author(s):Richard & FloraLee Newman
Year:© 2009
Artist: TagYerit featuring:
Flo (guitars, vocals)
Rich (bass)
Jopey Fitzpatrick (drums)
Producer: Ed Vadas
Recorded: Greg Steele (engineer) at Derek Studios - Dalton, MA
Mastered: Northeastern Digital Southborough, MA

Published: on TagYerit's CD "Shimmer"

You can buy this song at many other online music sites including the iTunes Store
For licensing, publishing or for any other reasons, please

Email Us. Email TagYerit

Keywords aging circle game peter pan complex school days daze birthday cake geriatric

Photo of climber used on our pyramid of cakes by Ildar Sagdejev via Wikimedia Commons.