wonderful pumpkins were painted by Denise A. Wells, a Native American (Yankton
Sioux Tribe - S. Dakota), who has been painting pumpkins since 1997. "When
it was suggested by my former boss, (thanx Karen!) I thought it was a waste
of time until I got unbelievable feedback from people (especially children)
and a new yearly hobby was born. I only use acrylic paints and have done up
to 25 and 30 pumpkins during a season. I have a friend help me (D. Arrow) get
them painted and out the door. I donated painted pumpkins to the Headstart in
White River and now here in Yankton shortly after we moved here. I have told
many people over the years how much fun they are and thats a lot of the motivation
for doing so much work on something that will eventually customer
once asked me how long they last and I just said ' when I see a Chia Pet growing
on the back of the pumpkin....its time to chuck it!!
I also draw and paint and keep myself outta trouble that way! The Unicorn is
my personal fave every year and of course Spongebob-he's such a cutie! "
For more on Denise, check out
her MySpace page
In 2008 Denise who clearly paints both for the adults in her audience as well
as the children ... added Baby Dragon 2008, Budweiser Label (a.k.a. Budkin)
and Hellboy II - Angel of Death'
Let us know
if you'd like to contact Denise. You also can find other of Denise's artwork
at her myspace page.
Keep going, there's so much to see!