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Teepeeing a xxxx.by G man 2/6/01
So about two summers ago my friends and i decided that we have to teepee this
kid, he's a xxxx so seemed like the right thing to do. To make sure this night
worked out just perfect and we didnt have to worry about our parents knowing,
we camped out in the woods near the xxxx after buying 24 (dont worry we get
more) rolls at 1:30 in the morn and then teepeed his house.
After we exausted that supply we went back to CVS and bought another 24 pack
and returned and used it up, we continued this process about 4 times. So finally
after wrapping his house with over 100 rolls, 2 dozen eggs, shaving cream and
then an M-80 at the very end we booked it back to our tent in the woods at about
The night would of ended fine if we all went to sleep in our tent safe in the
woods buuuuuuuut we didnt, because my friends are idiots. They ended up going
back to admire and stare at our t.p job as if it was a porn star begging for
it. So when they went back the xxxx jumped out of a tree, ran into his car and
chased my buds down, threatening that he called the cops. He ended up making
them clean up it all while me and the rest of my crew were watching from the
corner of the house. My friends picked up what must of been a sheet when they
found out he didnt call the cops at which point they flicked him off and then
just left.
So finally we were in our tent just about to end this night, when we kept hearing
steps of what must of been people outside of our tent. For fear it was cops
or the xxxx's friends, we waited till it was quiet and then booked to our cars,
drove to a secluded part of the neighboorhood, by this time it was goin on 4,
and tried to sleep in our cars.
Again, my friends are idiots and he thought it would be funny if he flashed he highbeams at us while we were trying to sleep, well apparantly the peoples house whom he was also shining the lights on must of called the cops and we were stuck. My friend admitted to us teepeeing and i thought we were dead but the cops were really cool and didnt give a ****, they just had a call of a guy who burglurized a house and was last seen running into the woods we were sleeping in!
So the cops let us off and we alllllll went back to my friends house and talked about how were gonna get inside without looking suspicious, and again like idiots we sat there talking for like 30 min all while i was thinking let's get inside, INSIDE. Then the xxxx and his mom pulls up and has us caught, we ended up aruging for like 30 min with the xxx's mom. So after the xxxx's car battery died in his car, i just told my friends im leaving, as i went to my house to go to sleep.......and that's how i teepeed a xxxx
2) AKSHADOW posted on 1/18/02 at 03:48 AM
Nice! I like the hole woods thing. I know how stupid friends can be though,
u said that the cops were looking for someone? Well one time we t.ped and the
cops came and we had to run. We ran for about 4 blocks from them, and finally
lost them. You guys were lucky, but that's what makes it so **** fun!!!
Good luck next time!
Date: Feb 20, 2001 on 08:43 p.m.
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G man
posted on 1/18/02 at 03:49 AM
Just so you all know the "xxxx" was f .a .g but it got censored
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Junior Member
Posts: 15
Registered: 1/16/02
Status: Offline
posted on 1/18/02 at 03:50 AM
Hey GMan,
First I want to thank you for offering an interesting episode for inclusion
in our guestbook. I'd like to explain "why" I chose to edit your post.
You can call it censoring if you like, but I'd like you to see it from my perspective.
We're trying to provide an interesting entertaining website. That you chose
to identify your personal bias against an individual, in fact did nothing to
add to the story. It does potentially harm several people however. You, being
one of them. You are limiting your audience to a minority of people who have
an aversion to people who have one singular characteristic. The rest of the
readers may think less of you.
I'm not judging you here. I'd be willing to guess that you're a teen. And my
days as a teen, I slipped into various indiscretions. Others who read your exploits
may not be so kind. Oh, I know you're not that concerned with them.
But I am. That's my job here.
Hope that clarifies my stance a bit.
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posted on 1/18/02 at 03:51 AM
Yeah sorry about saying what i said in my story, i was just telling the story
just like i would tell my friends
Date: Feb 24, 2001 on 08:47 p.m.
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posted on 2/1/02 at 03:44 AM
So about two summers ago my friends and i decided that we have to teepee this kid, he's a xxxx so seemed like the right thing to do. To make sure this night worked out just perfect and we didnt have to worry about our parents knowing, we camped out in the woods near the xxxx after buying 24 (dont worry we get more) rolls at 1:30 in the morn and then teepeed his house.
After we exausted that supply we went back to CVS and bought another 24 pack
and returned and used it up, we continued this process about 4 times. So finally
after wrapping his house with over 100 rolls, 2 dozen eggs, shaving cream and
then an M-80 at the very end we booked it back to our tent in the woods at about
The night would of ended fine if we all went to sleep in our tent safe in the
woods buuuuuuuut we didnt, because my friends are idiots. They ended up going
back to admire and stare at our t.p job as if it was a porn star begging for
it. So when they went back the xxxx jumped out of a tree, ran into his car and
chased my buds down, threatening that he called the cops. He ended up making
them clean up it all while me and the rest of my crew were watching from the
corner of the house. My friends picked up what must of been a sheet when they
found out he didnt call the cops at which point they flicked him off and then
just left.
So finally we were in our tent just about to end this night, when we kept hearing steps of what must of been people outside of our tent. For fear it was cops or the xxxx's friends, we waited till it was quiet and then booked to our cars, drove to a secluded part of the neighboorhood, by this time it was goin on 4, and tried to sleep in our cars.
Again, my friends are idiots and he thought it would be funny if he flashed he highbeams at us while we were trying to sleep, well apparantly the peoples house whom he was also shining the lights on must of called the cops and we were stuck. My friend admitted to us teepeeing and i thought we were dead but the cops were really cool and didnt give a ****, they just had a call of a guy who burglurized a house and was last seen running into the woods we were sleeping in!
So the cops let us off and we alllllll went back to my friends house and talked about how were gonna get inside without looking suspicious, and again like idiots we sat there talking for like 30 min all while i was thinking let's get inside, INSIDE. Then the xxxx and his mom pulls up and has us caught, we ended up aruging for like 30 min with the xxx's mom. So after the xxxx's car battery died in his car, i just told my friends im leaving, as i went to my house to go to sleep.......and that's how i teepeed a xxxx
Date: Feb 06, 2001 on 06:31 p.m.
;) ;) ;) ;) ;) :D ;)
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posted on 10/16/02 at 10:36 PM
shut up the story is good
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posted on 10/8/03 at 06:06 PM
you guys are fucked up, find somthing better to do like get stoned...
by the way, how did tping start?
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posted on 10/28/05 at 04:24 PM
you guys are fucked up, find somthing better to do like get stoned...
by the way, how did tping start?
im fairly sure tping started by teens who wanted to do pranks so once they ran
out of eggs or whatever they were usin back in the day they decided it would
be funny if they used toiletrese and when someone saw a house that was covered
in toilet paper they decided to do it and this spread fromtown totown like disease.
but this is just a edjucated guess
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posted on 2/5/06 at 05:16 PM
ive went on many tp-ing escapaids. My favorite one was about a year ago. it
was me and 2 of my friends. we were getting this kid that lives in a sub division
outside our town. Luckily theres not many cops out there,so we thought. we came
up 2 the house with 50 rolls a jar of pickles a can of ravioli, silly string
and 2 cans of shaving cream. He had alot of trees so it was pretty easy. So
after tping we went to the pickles and put them in the mail box. and pouring
the ravioli on the car. then we silly stringed the windows basketballhoop and
anthing else we thought of. when we were all done it took about 15 min. To top
it off for a grand finaleeee i threw a pack of firecrackers at the door (waking
them up and probably half the block lol) this makes it so the people check outsied
and see that they have a huge mess to clean in the morning, making them fret
about it. oh and yeah when u threw firecrackers after make shure u have everything
cathered up and run like hell. it makes it easier if the house is near a street
corner so u can get off their street and out of sight.
Listen to your instincts. by Dennis Twitty
- Monday, October 09, 2000
Well, I really have no preferrence as to what type of toilet paper I use, but
at least it has to hold when throwing. This story has to do with toilet papering
a house. We made our usual stops at Food4Less at 1 o'clock in the morning and
picked up the cheapest packs we could find; usually about 5, 24 packs.
So we did the usual and sat out in the parking lot and decided who to get. Well
we decided on a friend of ours whom we have gotten countless times before cause
I mean, her house was just so good. So we went like normal, parked around the
corner. This time it was a little different though. It felt different, but I
passed it off and went on. So we brought the TP and started getting her house.
Well, the whole time the dogs were barking in the neighborhood. This hasn't
happened before but we continued. So we're goin along and all of a sudden out
of nowhere we heard "Your Done!" We stopped dead in our tracks. We
didn't know where the hell it came from. So I looked and my friend and he worded
the word "run" so I looked back at the others and we all booked it
to my car. We later went back to pick up the excess TP but it was gone.
Don't fall asleep - Hey tell me if this is f*cked up or completly
f*cjin hilarious. Okay, there's this guy that wanted to go rolling with us one
night. He came over and he fell asleep on the couch. No one likes him so we
decided not to wake him up. Then, we went and put the works on his house. I
mean, I was in awe. Then we came back and he was still dead asleep. We took
him home the next morning and he had no clue.
Last night I TPed 10 houses with a crew of 5 men. We videotaped
the entire thing. We were not caught. The houses weren't all close together,
either; we spent a lot of time getting intimate with mapquest's driving instructions
and a map of the city. It was worth it.
Beforehand we shredded about 24 rolls to make confetti; we kept this in a trash
bag. Every so often we would reach in the bag, grab a handful, and throw it
in the air as hard as possible so that it would flutter down and get stuck.
It rained three hours before we did all this.
Poop posted by blutoneverdies 7/17/03
I jus have a quick story......... Well we were all at a party and we decided
to go tp'n and we went to go meet some other friends. We were in a big group
so it was kinda noticable what we were doing. So this real nice white car comes
speedin down the street, so we all run in different directions and of course
he pulls into his drive way which some of the girls are in.So we all start runnin
and he guy starts like chasin down the street in his car so we hide in a pine
tree. He jus kinda yells at us and shines the light in out faces and speeds
off so it really was not biggie but we wernt gonna take that **** so the nexy
mornin a few of the girls decided to to go by his house we wernt plannin on
really doin ne thing we jus waned to go buy it.... so then one of the girls
have an idea to put dog **** all over his white care so we find a piece of plastic
and some poop and we jus smear it all over the car!! It was awsome!!!
Best Brand by Charlie R.
Wednesday, July 19, 2000
I Use the Dollar General brand it is the best(for t-p'in a house!!) But use Charmin for wipein my ace!!
reply by Spyder 12/7/02 at 04:30 AM
so true i always use dollar general its only 4 for a dollar man, me and 2 other
friends spent over 60 bucks on day on just that and did like 2 houses, we had
so much we barely knew what to do w/ it.
Cash register tape by Dr Lee PhD
- Saturday, October 14, 2000
It seemed that grocery store cash register tape worked better than ordinary TP. My friends and I went to TP a hick-kid-we-know's beloved truck. since I work at a grocery store I had a roll of grocery store, I had saved a roll of fred meyer cash register tape for just such an occasion. The cash register tape seemed to last longer than ordinary TP. If you can get your hands on some, cash register tape is highly reccomended. anyways, 1 roll of cash register tape and eight rolls of TP later, we completely mumified his car!!! heehehee
TP Wars by Laura 6/16/03
ok, one day a bunch of us had this party, and i invited my boyfriend and some
of his friends...well we ordered them an extra pizza and said that they HAD
to pay for it even if they didn't show up (cause we're all running low on money),
well they never showed up (but we all still had a great time Ü), and we
told them that they owed us ten dollars.
They said that they weren't payin us, so i told my boyfriend he was "gonna get it really bad" if he didn't pay, and he still didn't pay. So me and my four very best friends stole one of my friend's mom's car and TPed my boyfriend's house. We used toilet paper, chocolate syrup, and string (string works they best cause you can tie it from everything, and if they go through it in thhe dark, they can't see it until it's 5 inches away, and by then they trip over it)
Well, tonight they decided to try to get me back. I was lucky and heard that they were gettin someone, so i called up my friends at 11:30 at night and told them to watch out... while i got my chocolate syrup and sat outside my window waitin. I wasn't waitin very long, when i see a car drive by slowly and see my boyfriend and his friends sittin in the car. So i grabbed my chocolate syrup jumped out my window onto the roof and waited in the shadows. Then, when they were right in front of my house about to TP it, i jumped out of the shadows to the edge of the roof and poured chocolate syrup on their heads! No one can get me back Ü
Help by Anonymous
posted on 6/29/04 at 07:21 AM
I have a neighbor who everyone hates b/c he is a @sshole and thinks everything
has to go his way or he will call the cops. Well tonite he really pissed me
off by calling the cops on my dogs and me. And I have had it with him. I have
done bird seed, toilet paper, eggs, shaving creme, soap, blue toilet bowl cleaner
and bleach before but I need to do something that is not kiddy stuff. I need
some ideas? I am moving in a few weeks and want to get him back b4 I move, so
any1 with any ideas please help?
Reply by Anonymous
posted on 6/30/04 at 03:55 PM
dude, take tons and tons of flour and pour it in his pool. and take a couple
of bottle of creamy buttermilk dressing and ut it all over his house and in
his drain pipes. it smells so bad! pour sugar in his gas tank and shove cheese
way up his tail pipe.an if he cracks his car windows, atke news paper and crumble
it up into balls and fills his whole car with it. but you gatta do it all in
one night or else it wont have the same effect, it waont be as funny
Revenge by Anonymous
posted on 10/26/03 at 05:47 PM
ok..so here's the deal i got wrapped last night and i caught those little hellians
so i have a series of idea's and i was looking to see if anyone had any other
ones thanks
Reply by Roybert
posted on 3/31/04 at 09:29 PM
Put a 5 gallon bucket filled with water leaning up against their front door
(needs to be inward-swinging) great fun, cept if they have a hardwood floor,
in which case it'd be funnier . Wrap saran wrap between two trees across their
driveway. Probably one of the oldest pranks around, but haven't heard it yet
on this site
Help please Anonymous posted on 10/6/03 at 07:44 PM
Hey everyone whats up ? this site is awesome. My youth group has this big TP
war every year about this time and I have never erally participated . Sunday
morning i woke up to find my 30 ft oak and pine trees covered in TP ...I need
revenge . I need original NON DESTRUCTIVE ways to get it . I need sum good ideas
for cars to b/c i dont really want to mess with sum of these peoples houses
cuz i like their parents lol so yea please help !!!!
Anonymous posted on 11/27/03 at 07:05 PM
dude youre a pussy! u obviously don't know **** about tpin. wut kind of pussy
goes tpin with his youth group? im gonna kick you're ***
Anonymous posted on 4/28/04 at 02:26 AM
There are many non destructive ways to got revenge TP and Whip cream work really
well. Do not use shaving cream or any thing that has been dyed because when
it gets wet the color will run and stain anything that it is on.
Help by Anonymous posted on 12/8/02 at 09:22 PM
I got my house TPed two weekends in a row. I know who was did it both times.
The first cause my neighbor say the car, and I know who he hangs out with, and
I called his cell phone and you could hear voices in the background. The second
time my friends drove infront of my house and honked and I saw them as they
drove around back, I also found his class ring in my driveway. The first time
it was just TP and drink umbrelles. The second time it was TP (much better job)
umbrelles, Sweet Relish, and silly string. I have lots of friends that will
help. The guys that did it the first time know I know about it, But the guys
involved the second time have no idea that I know. I need some different ideas
of things to do to 4 or 5 people. Also what are things that you recommend that
I write in the yard with either viniger or liquid Fertilizer. The fertilizer
will force him to mow at least every 3 days. All ideas will be used.
Anonymous posted on 6/16/03 at 01:06 AM
Kiss my *** fuckers is what you should say then get little pieces of toilet
paper get them wet and through them at the windows they will wake them up and
they will stick
Another Anonymous posted on 11/27/03 at 11:44 PM
you guys are mean why don't you all just grow up and stop wearing diapers, jerks.
gettin back... originally!!! by Anonymous posted on 8/7/02
at 04:14 AM
my friends and i were all gonna sleep in a tent one nite, but we were inside
watchin a movie. when we went out, the tent was collapsed w/ all our stuff scattered
around the yard (BIG yard). we knew who did this, so the next nite we forked
these ppl's yards and ran around their houses with lots of yarn.
it's 11:05pm now, and they tped me an hour ago... they were pretty stupid to go so early... w/ only 12 rolls. we picked up 9 whole rolls... they're pathetic! then they flashed a lite so we could so who it was... so my friends and i are gonna get em one last time...good!
here are some ideas:
-silly string
-soap (it will sud when it rains)
-flour on the grass
-tp wads on roof
-saran wrap and duct tape
-crap, pee and puke in the mailbox
-confetti in the yard
-paper mache/vinegar/bleach/fertilizer spelling somethin in the yard
i need ideas
1) i went out of town and came to my house tped. i have found out that it was
acouple friends of mine. Now i dont want to tp them back because that would
be gay but i need some other fairly innocent ideas to get back at them because
there going to knwo it was me. I was thinking about lawn furnitre and lime the
fertilizer but there are 6 friends and i need variety.
2) posted by Rich "Here's a fairly simple response that sends a simple
nod or a wink ...
Find 6 friends from different parts of the country (or at least web acquaintances).
Have each of them mail a message written on a piece of toilet paper to a different
conspirator - saying, "I know where you live."
3) you idiot - just use like 200 rolls of tp and tp the sh*t out of their place
4) powdered instant mashed potatoes! someone got me good with this. pour them
all over the car, best on a rainy night, or wet it with a water hose. of course,
eggs, but they take the paint off cars.
5) When me and some of my friends went TPing, we TPed their house really good
and then we took saran wrapped their drive way. (we rolled it around the trees
on both sides) After that we put TP over the saran wrap. It looked really cool.
It must have been a ***** to clean up too because it was really cold and their
was snow on the ground...!!
gotta get him back
1) i need some ideas no one would think of that would get someone back good!
this guy planted popcorn kernels in my friends yard over last june, and it actually
grew into corn,they just got it out this september we've gotta get him back!!!
2) Rich - Try spreading garlic seeds. It looks a lot like grass when it's small,
but it definitely smells like garlic when you mow it.
3) k check this out this is good take bags of shredded newspaper and put it
in there grass and planters will take them months to get out
kelly taylor posted on 12/24/05
hurry please i need ideas....im wrapping this girl who my friends and i thought
was our so called friend but she was making moves and more on my friends 2 year
boyfriend. so it needs to be BAD!!!!!!!
2) m&m on lawn, eggs on house,shaving cream on cars and cement(permanenT),
lima beans in lawn(little sprouts will come up later), rubber bands in driveway
because they cant sweep them up and have to pick them up individually, and newspaper
shreads in lawn and dead fish everywhere, lean a trashcan of water against the
door(if it opens inward) so when they open it goes in their house
posted by Rich N 7/28/02
I was listening to a Richard Shindell tune, "Are You Happy Now?" and
there's a verse about his yard getting papered on Halloween.
It got me to wondering if there are other songs. I don't know where to send
you to hear the tune, but his "official" website is