TagYerit Presents:
      The Madison Museum of Bathroom Tissue
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to TagYerit's embarrassing song
while you EXPLORE the Museum.

Madison Logo
While the Whole World Toilet Paper Museum solves its museum mission by the nature of being a "Virtual" museum, the Madison Museum of Bathroom Tissue (MMBT) had occupied a very real space in Madison Wisconsin from 1992 until 2000. And they obviously had been having fun doing it too. With over 2500 rolls of toilet paper, they're arguably one of the largest collections. In fact the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel proclaimed, " They had more rolls than a bakery." How can you beat that?

Sorry but the MMBT had been looking for a new permanent home when we last spoke with them several years ago. Unfortunately we have not heard from them since. Our biggest fear is that they got desperate and (gasp - NO) used them.

Ellis Island samples  
Here then are excerpts from their brochure, as well as a sampling of a few of their finest specimens. Note that the numbered arrows are highlights of the audio-tape tour provided to interested visitors.

"Located in downtown Madison WI, the Madison Museum of Bathroom Tissue offers the public a unique opportunity to view an impressive assemblage of toilet paper from across the country and around the world. ...

Besides the obvious purpose of displaying the collection, the Museum often sponsors evening socials with the purpose of garnering roll donations ... Entertainment for such events is often provided in the Down Below Lounge (directly below the Museum proper) where live music, cocktails, and socialization occur for the enjoyment of members and visitors alike." (Gee, I wonder if they do weddings?)

"Upwards of 2,500 rolls are labeled, cataloged and presented for public perusal ... rolls from Ellis Island, the Alamo, Graceland, the Guggenheim, Caesar's Palace ... of special interest are the Mexican Display, the African Shelf and the European Collection. "

Here are a few other links for any toilet paper detectives out there.
Time Magazine March 3, 1997
Former Home of TP Collection Razed
Roll Call TP Museum Resurrected

The Whole World Toilet Paper Museum - What's where? Links etc...

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